Hi there!
I just thought it write into let you know about Gabriel’s strawberry story.
I have never heard of a hemangioma before Gabriel’s started to develop 1 weeks after he was born.
We did a lot of research about them online and we have had lots of advice from experienced parents and professional consultants at 2 different hospitals all with different opinions.
We have now come to the decision at age 7 months to let it take it’s natural course and say no to the medication offered.
It’s not been an easy choice (many tears shed) as I really want to do what is right for him and make the best choice, I really hope he understands when he is older and that it fades away before high school 🏼
Here are some pictures of the strawberry mark growing up to 7 months ❤️🍓
- Lola Farr
Instagram: @its.lolasworld
If you like to share your story, do not hesitate to write to hemangiomamomma@gmail.com.