Hello! My name is Olga and I have a son called Maxim. We live in Russia.
My son has a mixed hemangioma on his lower eyelid. It appeared on the 3rd day after he was born. At first, it was like a speck but started to grow rapidly.
Unfortunately, many pediatricians in our country do not have sufficient knowledge about this problem. They believe that this is an aesthetic problem and does not threaten health. I personally have never heard of a hemangioma before.
Very few doctors have up-to-date knowledge of treatment. We were advised to wait up to 6 months, they promised that it would pass.
We went to the eye center in the capital, but they also advised outdated methods of treatment (X-ray therapy and hormones). We tried but there was no result.
Nobody agreed to operate on us. After a year, we were able to get to the center for the treatment of vascular pathologies in Moscow. There is a long queue. These are almost the only specialists in the whole country who treat with modern methods. (Beta-blockers atenolol and modern lasers).
We saw the changes immediately. It is so beautiful! Unfortunately, the treatment will not be quick due to age.
In our country, many do not understand what hemangiomas are, and it can be difficult for me and my son to go out into society. Often strangers ask questions, point fingers, get scared.
I'm worried that my son will have insecurities. He already sees that he is not like other children. Many children do not want to play with him. They point a finger.
Now my son is 2 years and 3 months old. The hemangioma has not completely gone away, but the changes are good. We continue treatment, but now I know that everything will be fine :)
- Olga.
IG: @zolotova1488
If you also like to share your story, do not hesitate to write to hemangiomamomma@gmail.com.
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